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The World




Ruling Planet: Saturn


Element: Earth


Numerology: 21 (2+1=3) Three ~ Expression, creation, development, expansion.


The World card signifies the culmination of The Fool’s journey and represents the end of a significant cycle in your life. It symbolises a profound sense of completion and accomplishment, reflecting a period where your efforts and perseverance have come to fruition.


The World is associated with the planet Saturn, which governs structure, discipline, and the completion of tasks. Saturn's influence highlights the importance of endurance and responsibility throughout this transformative journey. The card embodies the lessons learned and the growth achieved, showcasing a new level of maturity and insight.


Numerologically, The World is represented by the number 21, which reduces to 3 (2+1=3). The number 3 is connected with expression, creativity, and expansion. It signifies the manifestation of new beginnings and the celebration of accomplishments. This number reflects the harmony and balance achieved through the integration of various aspects of your life.


In the imagery of The World, a dancing woman encircled by a wreath symbolises the joy and freedom of completing a significant cycle. The wreath represents the triumph of achieving goals and the cyclical nature of life, reinforcing the idea of continuous growth and renewal. Her dance signifies the harmonious blend of all elements—fire, earth, water, and air—each represented by the four figures at the corners of the card:


  • The Lion (Leo), associated with Fire, represents intuition and personal power.

  • The Bull (Taurus), linked to Earth, signifies physical stability and material success.

  • The Eagle (Scorpio), connected to Water, embodies emotional depth and transformation.

  • The Angel (Aquarius), related to Air, symbolises intellectual insight and clarity.


The World Tarot card often symbolises completion, fulfillment, and the beginning of new chapters. When it comes to world travel, The World card carries significant meaning and symbolism, emphasising exploration, expansion, and personal growth.

Travel embodies the expansion and broadening of horizons. It involves stepping out of familiar surroundings to explore new cultures, landscapes, and ways of life. This aligns with the card’s theme of personal growth and the broadening of perspectives.


Travel often marks a significant achievement or milestone, reflecting the card’s sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. It signifies reaching a goal and experiencing new opportunities, celebrating the end of one phase and the start of another.


Engaging with different cultures and environments through travel contributes to personal development and self-discovery. This mirrors the World card’s representation of integrating new knowledge and experiences into one’s life, fostering transformation and appreciation for diversity.


Travel also symbolises liberation and the freedom to explore new paths. It offers opportunities for adventure, exploration, and pursuing passions, resonating with the World card’s themes of freedom and new beginnings. Travel can signify the completion of a significant journey or phase, whether literal or metaphorical. The World card highlights coming full circle and reaching a place of understanding and accomplishment, preparing to transition into a new phase with gained wisdom.


Finally, The World card’s association with global travel emphasises global awareness and humanitarian values. It reflects a desire to contribute to the world meaningfully, whether through travel experiences that foster empathy or actions that support global causes. The World Tarot card’s significance in relation to world travel encompasses themes of expansion, achievement, personal growth, freedom, and global awareness. It highlights the transformative power of exploring new places and cultures and the fulfillment that comes from embracing new experiences and perspectives.


When The World appears, it signals a period of great achievement and fulfillment. It indicates that you are ready to embark on a new phase with the wisdom gained from your previous experiences. This card suggests a time of celebration and joy, as you embrace the successes and accomplishments that have led to this point.


Additionally, The World can imply a spiritual awakening or a deeper understanding of your life's purpose. You may feel a heightened sense of wholeness and self-awareness, ready to share your unique gifts with the world. It encourages you to recognise the fulfillment that comes from within and to embrace the new opportunities that lie ahead.


The World card also points to potential fame or recognition, particularly in creative fields, and the possibility of new journeys or experiences that will broaden your horizons. It signifies a time of expansion, where you are encouraged to explore new territories and embrace the adventures that life has to offer.





Reversed, The World suggests that there may be delays or obstacles in completing a significant phase of your life. It could indicate that unresolved issues or fears are hindering your progress. This card advises you to confront these challenges with courage and persistence, and to trust that you will eventually reach your goals. Embrace the lessons from the past and have faith in the future as you work through any remaining barriers to your success.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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