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The Sun​




Ruling Planet: The Sun


Element: Fire


Numerology: 19 (1+9=10) (1+0=1) One ~ Unity, beginnings, creation, original, incentive.



The Sun card is a beacon of positivity, radiance, and life-affirming energy. Following The Moon in the Tarot sequence, it marks the transition from the mysterious and feminine to the bright and masculine, from darkness to light. The Sun is one of the most auspicious cards in the Tarot deck, symbolising joy, success, and happiness. If you're seeking answers, The Sun promises a favorable outcome—its message is a resounding "Yes!"


At the heart of the card is the radiant Sun itself, a universal symbol of life, energy, and enlightenment. The Sun illuminates everything it touches, bringing clarity, warmth, and growth. Just as the Sun nourishes the earth, this card suggests that your life is currently being filled with vitality and positive energy. It’s a time to bask in the light of your accomplishments and to let your true self shine.


A child is depicted riding a white horse, representing purity, innocence, and the unbridled joy of youth. This child, often shown with arms outstretched, embodies the freedom and happiness that comes from being in touch with your authentic self. The child’s nakedness signifies a state of vulnerability, yet there is no fear—only openness and trust. This imagery encourages you to embrace your inner child, to approach life with curiosity, wonder, and a playful spirit.


The horse symbolises strength, purity, and the journey forward. It carries the child with ease, symbolising the harmonious relationship between your conscious mind (the rider) and your physical existence (the horse). The horse’s movement indicates progress, suggesting that you are moving forward on your path with confidence and assurance.


Behind the child and the horse is a wall of sunflowers, representing the boundary between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The wall symbolises protection and the cultivation of a safe space where your inner child can thrive. Sunflowers, which always turn to face the Sun, signify loyalty, adoration, and the sustenance that comes from a positive and life-affirming attitude.


The number 19 of The Sun card reduces to 10, and then to 1, reinforcing themes of unity and new beginnings. The number 1 is symbolic of creation, originality, and the start of a new cycle. This card suggests that you are at the dawn of a fresh chapter in your life, where the seeds you’ve planted will now flourish under the nourishing rays of the Sun. It’s a time for new projects, ventures, and opportunities, all guided by clarity and purpose.


When The Sun appears in a reading, it heralds a period of success, joy, and positivity. Life is on the rise, and you are stepping into a phase of good health, vitality, and confidence. The Sun card is all about embracing your true self, shining brightly, and expressing your unique essence to the world. It’s a time of great self-assurance, where your plans and visions for the future are supported by the universe.


If you’ve been facing challenges, The Sun assures you that better times are ahead. It encourages you to adopt a positive mindset and to find beauty, joy, and happiness in life’s simplest pleasures. This card may also suggest travel to sunny, warm climates, or a period of leisure and relaxation in the sun.


Children are often associated with The Sun card, symbolising the playful energy, imagination, and curiosity of youth. This is a reminder to let your inner child radiate outward, attracting others to your light and warmth.


The flag depicted on The Sun Tarot card is often seen as a symbol of victory, purity, and clarity. Its bright red color represents life force, passion, and energy. The flag waves proudly, indicating triumph and the successful overcoming of challenges. It also serves as a guiding beacon, reminding you to move forward with confidence and to celebrate your achievements. The flag's presence reinforces the themes of positivity and success that The Sun card embodies, marking the completion of a journey and the beginning of a new, prosperous chapter.





When reversed, The Sun may be a gentle reminder to check your ego. Vanity or arrogance could be hindering your progress, or you might be dealing with someone whose inflated ego is negatively impacting you. The reversed Sun may also indicate feelings of burnout, exhaustion, or being taken for granted. If you’re feeling deflated, it’s time to step back and recharge.


The Sun’s light, even in its reversed state, illuminates areas of your life that may need attention. It prompts you to remove anything that dulls your spirit and to surround yourself with positive, uplifting influences that encourage your growth and well-being.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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