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The Hermit




Ruling Planet: Mercury


Element: Earth


Numerology: Nine ~ Fulfilment, near completion, selflessness,


Astrological Sign: Virgo (Aug 24th Sept 23rd)



 The Hermit Tarot card is a powerful symbol of introspection, solitude, and spiritual enlightenment. It represents the need to withdraw from the noise of the external world to seek answers from within. When The Hermit appears in a reading, it often signals a time for reflection, meditation, and soul-searching—a period where one must retreat from distractions to access deeper truths and spiritual insights.


In the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck, The Hermit is depicted as a solitary figure standing atop a mountain, holding a lantern in one hand and a staff in the other. Each element in this imagery is rich with symbolism, offering profound insights into the card’s deeper meanings.


The Hermit is portrayed as an introverted and reclusive character, deeply absorbed in his own thoughts. His posture and demeanour suggest a person who has consciously chosen solitude as a means of gaining wisdom. This aspect of The Hermit symbolises the importance of introspection and the value of spending time alone to clear the mind and access inner knowledge. In a world filled with constant stimulation and distractions, The Hermit reminds us of the power of silence and solitude in fostering personal growth and understanding.


The Hermit’s long white beard is a classic symbol of wisdom and longevity. It signifies the accumulation of knowledge and experience over time, reflecting the card’s association with maturity and spiritual enlightenment. The beard serves as a reminder that true wisdom often comes from life’s trials and tribulations and that the journey of self-discovery is a lifelong process.


The snow and ice beneath The Hermit’s feet indicate the challenging situations and hardships he has faced and overcome. These elements symbolise the cold, harsh realities of life that we all must navigate. However, rather than being defeated by these challenges, The Hermit demonstrates the strength, courage, and resilience required to persevere. The snow and ice also emphasise the idea that spiritual growth often occurs in the most difficult of circumstances, where we are forced to confront our innermost fears and doubts.


The staff in The Hermit’s hand represents stability, guidance, and direction. It is a symbol of spiritual power and enlightenment, offering support as The Hermit traverses the rocky terrain of life. The staff suggests that, even in solitude, we are never truly alone—spiritual guidance is always available to us if we seek it. It also indicates the importance of having a solid foundation and inner strength when embarking on the journey of self-discovery.


The Hermit’s hooded cloak serves as a protective barrier from the outside world, symbolising the need for isolation and introspection. The cloak shields The Hermit from external influences, allowing him to focus entirely on his inner journey. This aspect of the card highlights the importance of creating a safe and sacred space for spiritual work, free from distractions and negative energies.


Perhaps the most iconic symbol in The Hermit card is the lantern, which shines a light on hidden messages from the unconscious mind and the collective unconscious. The lantern represents the search for truth and the illumination of the path ahead. It also signifies the guidance that comes from within, encouraging us to trust our inner wisdom as we navigate life’s challenges. The light of the lantern is a beacon in the darkness, guiding us toward greater understanding and enlightenment.


The Hermit is acutely aware that answers and insights are not always immediately available. Some truths require time, patience, and deep introspection to reveal themselves. Representing the Earth element, The Hermit serves as a reminder to stay grounded and present when engaging in spiritual work. The Earth element’s association with stability and practicality encourages us to approach our inner journey with both patience and persistence.


When The Hermit appears in a reading, it often suggests a need to take a step back from the chaos of daily life. It calls for quiet moments of reflection, meditation, and withdrawal from social engagements. By embracing solitude, we can engage more fully with the present moment, where our true potential lies. The Hermit also reminds us of the great teachers and mentors who may cross our paths, offering spiritual insights and guidance along our journey. Reflect on those who have influenced your life—how have they enhanced your understanding of yourself and the world around you?







When The Hermit appears reversed, it carries a warning not to become too isolated or withdrawn. While solitude can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, too much isolation can lead to loneliness, depression, and disconnection from the world around us. The reversed Hermit suggests that you may be ignoring valuable advice or cutting yourself off from supportive relationships. It may also indicate that you are keeping your problems to yourself, trying to figure everything out on your own, without seeking help from others.


In this phase, it’s important to recognise that while introspection is valuable, we also need the connection and support of others. The reversed Hermit encourages you to reach out, share your burdens, and seek guidance from those you trust. Avoid the temptation to wallow in your suffering or to avoid people and situations that challenge you. Instead, use this time of introspection to examine the root causes of your feelings and to find the light within, even in the darkest moments.


Ultimately, The Hermit is a card of profound spiritual insight, reminding us of the importance of withdrawing from the world to seek answers from within. By embracing solitude, grounding ourselves in the present moment, and trusting our inner wisdom, we can navigate life’s challenges with clarity and purpose. The Hermit teaches us that the journey of self-discovery is an ongoing process, one that requires patience, perseverance, and a deep connection to our true selves. Whether upright or reversed, The Hermit invites us to explore the depths of our soul and to find the light that lies within.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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