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The Hanged Man




Ruling Planet: Neptune


Element: Water


Numerology: Twelve (1+2=3) Three ~ Creativity, expression, communication, groups.



The Hanged Man Tarot card is a profound symbol of surrender, suspension, and a shift in perspective. Governed by Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions, and spiritual insights, and associated with the element of Water, this card invites us to delve into the depths of our subconscious and embrace a period of introspection and transformation.


Numerologically, the number twelve (1+2=3) carries the vibration of creativity, expression, and communication. The number three represents the synthesis of opposing forces, the creation of something new through the combination of different elements. In the context of The Hanged Man, this number suggests that through the process of surrender and letting go, we open ourselves to new insights, creativity, and spiritual growth.


The imagery of The Hanged Man depicts a figure hanging upside down by one foot from a tree, symbolising a state of suspension and inversion. This position reflects a deliberate choice to pause and view life from a different angle. The tree itself is often interpreted as the Tree of Life, representing the interconnectedness of all things and the spiritual journey of the soul. The Hanged Man’s posture suggests a willingness to endure discomfort for the sake of gaining wisdom and a new understanding of the world.


One of the most striking elements of this card is the yellow halo around the Hanged Man’s head. This halo, also known as a nimbus, is a traditional symbol of enlightenment, spiritual awareness, and divine insight. The color yellow is associated with intellect, clarity, and illumination. In the context of The Hanged Man, the halo indicates that the act of surrendering and embracing a new perspective leads to a profound spiritual awakening. The Hanged Man is not a victim of his circumstances; rather, he is a seeker of truth, willingly sacrificing his old ways of thinking to attain higher wisdom.


The Hanged Man’s position and the symbolism of the halo also speak to the concept of sacrifice for greater good. This card often appears during times of difficulty or when one feels stuck, unable to move forward. The Hanged Man suggests that this period of suspension is not a punishment but a necessary step in the journey toward spiritual evolution. By letting go of the need to control, and by embracing the uncertainty, we allow ourselves to be guided by a higher power.


This card also encourages a shift in perspective. When we are stuck in a particular mindset or way of life, it can be challenging to see the bigger picture. The Hanged Man invites us to look at our situation from a different angle, to release old patterns of thinking, and to open ourselves up to new possibilities. This may involve reevaluating our values, beliefs, and attachments, and letting go of anything that no longer serves our highest good.


The Hanged Man teaches the value of patience and surrender. Instead of resisting the flow of life, we are encouraged to go with it, trusting that everything happens in divine timing. This period of suspension, though uncomfortable, is an opportunity for deep reflection and inner transformation. It is a time to connect with the higher self, to explore the illusions of the ego, and to gain a clearer understanding of our true nature.


When this card appears in a reading, it suggests that resistance will only lead to more pain and frustration. The best course of action is to surrender, to release the need for control, and to trust in the process. This may be a time to step back, to pause, and to allow things to unfold naturally. Through this surrender, we may gain spiritual insights that can change our entire outlook on life.





The Hanged Man carries a warning against falling into the trap of victimhood. It reminds us that blaming others for our suffering will not lead to spiritual growth. In this position, the card may indicate feelings of being disconnected, oppressed, or stuck in a rut. It urges us to examine whether we are holding onto something that needs to be released, whether it’s a belief, behavior pattern, or attachment to a particular outcome.


The reversed Hanged Man also suggests that we may be missing out on new opportunities by clinging to the past or resisting change. It asks us to consider our actions wisely, to reassess our priorities, and to be open to a shift in perspective. This card indicates that a good shakeup may be necessary to break free from stagnation. Although this period may feel like slow torture, it is ultimately an opportunity for growth and transformation.


In essence, The Hanged Man advises us to embrace the paradox of finding freedom through surrender, to gain wisdom through sacrifice, and to see the world from a new vantage point. By doing so, we open ourselves to the possibility of profound spiritual enlightenment and a deeper connection to our true selves.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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