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The Chariot




Ruling Planet: The Moon


Element: Water


Numerology:  Seven ~ Spirituality, faith, investigation, knowledge, wisdom.


Astrological Sign: Cancer (Jun 22nd – Jul 23rd) 




The Chariot Tarot card symbolises victory, determination, and the relentless pursuit of success. It represents the courage and drive needed to advance towards our goals with unwavering focus and momentum. The Chariot is a card of triumph and strength, urging us to harness our willpower and forge ahead despite the obstacles that may arise. By channeling our inner strength and resolve, we align ourselves with our aspirations, progressively overcoming challenges and building character along the way.


At its core, The Chariot embodies the Hero archetype—one who is steadfast and confident in their abilities. This card underscores the importance of hard work and determination, suggesting that applying these qualities to our endeavors significantly enhances our chances of success. The Chariot calls for a positive mindset, self-discipline, and a forward-focused approach. While the journey may not always be smooth, it offers opportunities for spiritual growth and personal development.


The Chariot’s message is clear: keep moving forward and remain undeterred by setbacks. It’s a reminder that we all face failures, but our responses to these challenges shape our path. As the saying goes, “If at first, you don’t succeed, try and try again.” This card encourages us to persevere and maintain our course, even when progress seems slow.


The charioteer in the card, adorned in protective armor decorated with moon symbols, represents a connection to the nurturing and intuitive qualities of the astrological sign Cancer. This association suggests that we should navigate life’s cycles with emotional awareness, balancing our impulses and keeping our emotions in check. The star on his forehead and the stars on the canopy above symbolise astrological guidance and divine timing, indicating that our journey is influenced by cosmic forces.


The Chariot is driven by black and white sphinxes, which symbolise the dualities of life: light and dark, masculine and feminine, conscious and unconscious. These opposing forces must be harmonised to achieve success. The sphinxes represent the integration of these dualities, suggesting that only by bringing these aspects into balance can we move forward effectively.


In the narrative of The Fool’s Journey, The Chariot follows The Lovers, representing a pivotal moment where the Fool faces a crossroads and must make a decisive choice. The Chariot then guides the Fool based on that decision, emphasizing the importance of direction and commitment.


The Chariot teaches us that the value of our journey lies not just in reaching our destination but in the sacrifices we make and the growth we experience along the way. Our mistakes and experiences build resilience and shape our character, leading to continuous transformation and evolution.


When The Chariot appears in a reading, it signals that now is not the time for passivity. You may feel conflicted, with one part of you urging forward while another holds back. This is an opportune moment to take control, overcome obstacles, and assert your will. It is essential to make discerning choices and stay focused on your goals. The Chariot also emphasises the need for self-discipline, commitment, and setting clear boundaries.


The Chariot serves as a roadmap to discovering your purpose. Trust in the journey and have faith that you are being guided. Seize the reins of your life, and let your talents and gifts lead the way.





When The Chariot appears reversed, it often signals a misalignment with your goals or higher purpose. Pay attention to your attitude and any negative thinking that may be obstructing your path. The reversal may also indicate issues with inflated ego or arrogance, which can hinder personal growth and development.


In its reversed position, The Chariot suggests that now might not be the best time to push forward. It advises patience and re-evaluation of the situation. Let go of excessive control and allow yourself to adapt to the flow of life. Focus on raising your vibration and surrendering to the present moment, embracing the natural rhythms of life.


You may feel a loss of control or motivation, leading to a sense of stagnation or fear. It’s crucial to shift your mindset and boost your confidence. Recognise your worth and become the Hero in your own story, reclaiming your direction and purpose.



Reversed meanings...​


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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