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Ruling Planet: Sun


Element: Fire


Numerology:  Eight ~ Power, recognition, accomplishment, courage, success.


Astrological Sign: Leo (24th Jul – 23rd Aug)



The Strength Tarot card embodies profound inner courage, resilience, and the mastery of primal instincts. Central to this card is the evocative image of a maiden gently opening the mouth of a lion. This powerful symbolism illustrates the delicate balance between gentle strength and raw power. The maiden’s serene composure in the face of the lion’s wild nature highlights a harmonious integration of the conscious mind with the untamed aspects of our being. True strength, as depicted here, is not about forceful control but about cooperation and self-discipline. Her interaction with the lion underscores that genuine bravery emanates from a deep inner conviction and a compassionate approach to life’s trials.


The lion, a symbol of courage, strength, and the untamed facets of human nature, represents the potent, often primal forces within us. These can manifest as fears, desires, or emotions that require acknowledgment and regulation rather than suppression. The lion’s raw energy and passion, when properly channeled, become powerful tools for positive action and personal growth.


Above the maiden’s head floats the lemniscate, or infinity symbol, which signifies infinite potential and the boundless nature of spiritual enlightenment. This symbol serves as a reminder that our true strength originates from an eternal and limitless source within ourselves. It reflects the perpetual flow of life’s energy and universal wisdom accessible when we connect with our inner reserves. The lemniscate also embodies balance and harmony—qualities crucial for overcoming challenges and maintaining a steady course through life’s adversities.


In the background of the Strength card, mountains rise prominently, representing the obstacles and challenges encountered on our journey. These mountains are not merely physical barriers but also symbolize emotional and psychological struggles. They stand as reminders that the path to success is often steep and demanding, requiring perseverance, stability, and the fortitude to endure. The mountains suggest that while the journey may be arduous, it also offers clarity and a broader perspective, much like the expansive view from the top of a mountain provides a clearer understanding of the larger picture.


The maiden in the card personifies the conscious mind’s effort to reconcile with our primal instincts. Her strength is not derived from sheer force but from inner calm, patience, and compassion. She embodies the notion that true power lies in gentleness and that approaching life’s challenges with a soft heart and steady resolve is key to overcoming adversity. This card encourages us to face our struggles with quiet confidence, grounded in integrity and respect for ourselves and others.


When the Strength card appears in a reading, it calls us to stand firm in our beliefs and confront our fears with bravery and dignity. It triumphs over hatred, aggression, and fear, reminding us that our inner strength—born from calmness and resilience—is more than sufficient to navigate through chaos with grace. The Strength card serves as a beacon of hope, urging us to maintain an optimistic outlook even when faced with overwhelming challenges. It reassures us that our internal power can guide us through difficult times.


In moments of provocation or when we feel taunted, the Strength card encourages us to control our reactions and respond with kindness and compassion, both towards ourselves and others. It serves as a reminder that while we cannot control external circumstances, we can choose how we respond. In relationships, this card signifies a deep, unconditional love, loyalty, and respect, often linked to the astrological sign of Leo, which governs this card.





When the Strength card appears reversed, it may signal personal struggles, diminished confidence, or overpowering fear that holds you back. It suggests the need to establish firm boundaries and prioritise your own needs, especially when facing opposition or feeling depleted. The reversed Strength card is a call to persevere and continue pushing forward despite difficult circumstances. It reminds you not to be too harsh on yourself, to acknowledge your challenges, and to trust in your inherent strength to overcome any obstacles. Even when life feels challenging, this card assures you that you possess the inner power to conquer what lies ahead.​​




Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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