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Tower Moments & Facing Judgement. Emerge from chaos and transform into your best self!

Writer: Sian HoskinsSian Hoskins

Updated: Dec 20, 2024

people falling from tower

The mighty Tower crashes to the ground and wreaks havoc all around. Buckle up and take some deep breaths! The universe pulls the rug from beneath you at the most unexpected time. Why me? I hear you cry… Good question. Sometimes, when we don’t face the truth that something needs to change, the All-Mighty steps in with some tough love.

It can feel like a sharp slap around the face and often happens at a time when we’re smiling and feeling comfortable with life. Ouch! Change is never easy, but if we look deeper within ourselves, we can question whether we’re headed in the right direction or simply stagnating.

hand holding a sword

Does our belief system currently work in our favour? Are we stuck in negative behaviour patterns that are holding us back from our greatest potential? Okay, but does it warrant such chaos and destruction for us to level up and align with a higher power? Cognitive dissonance certainly has a powerful hold on the mind, so maybe the answer is yes. Mostly, we are unaware of the storm until lightning strikes the Tower, so maybe the mind does need to be cracked open to allow for transformation. It is in that pain and grief that the transformation truly begins.

woman in bed with swords

The Tower challenges us with sadness, anger, guilt and shame. We often have a change in perspective after the storm has passed, and we rarely learn from our mistakes from a place of comfort.

Bring the shadows into the light and release them with love...
woman pouring water

The good news is that what’s left in the rubble can be relied on as trustworthy. One day you may see the Tower moment as a blessing and Judgement as a major turning point in your life.

Resisting change will only prolong the pain and possibly bring on another Tower moment. We build resilience with every new challenge we face. Rebuild the foundations on a firmer footing, coming from a new perspective. The masks that are holding you back, throw them into the fire and rise out of the ashes like the Phoenix. Who is it you want to be?

We like to see drama when watching a film or reading a book. We’re disappointed if the story is slow, boring and lifeless. But when it comes to our reality, we dread facing chaos and only welcome changes that come peacefully when we’re in full control of the situation. We all love the part in the story where the hero bounces back and restores balance in their life. Know that you are the main character in your story. Make them a good one!

Re-evaluate your life one question at a time. Think of a person at the end of their life, who would they be if they could erase all their Tower moments and Judgement? What path would they have followed? Makes you think of the butterfly effect, right? Sometimes the universe knows what’s best for us and our needs long before we do.

man with swords in his back

In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufrane is an innocent man who was sent to prison for murdering his wife and lover. This is his Tower moment! Towards the end of the movie, he crawls his way through a mile of shit to escape and find freedom. You can even see him stand with his arms outstretched to the heavens, like the figures in the Rider Waite Judgement, thanking God for the intervention. This is his Judgement and a major turning point for him. The figures coming out of the coffins could also be asking for the release of suffering, forgiveness, or a chance to start over.

Sometimes, we’re unaware that we are wearing a mask until we rip it off. But once we do, we unveil our true essence and then a spark ignites, and the universe offers us synchronicities and little miracles. When we are in alignment, we feel it!

Angel blowing a trumpet

Judgement asks us to face our fears and peel back the layers of our personality. Eventually, you’ll realise that all we are is pure consciousness. There are no masks just like there is no spoon in the film The Matrix.

For some of us, the impact of The Tower’s fall is so brutal that we embrace our Judgement fully with open arms. The fear of revealing their true self is a high risk for others. Fear of judgement can hold us back for years. But people will always judge, is that your problem? If you don’t accept yourself, how can you expect others to accept you?

an angel pouring water

Whenever the Tower strikes, we must place self-care as a priority. Grieve and surrender to the situation. How you respond is what makes all the difference. Judgement gives us a second chance to walk a new path. A path with purpose and passion. Face the strange and embrace the change!

Be proud of your story! The good, the bad, and especially the ugly…


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