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Writer's pictureSian Hoskins

The Fool's Journey

Updated: May 7

When learning the Tarot, it can be pretty daunting memorising all 78 cards! A helpful tip is to learn the Major Arcana (22 cards), where the Fool (numbered 0) starts his journey and ends with the World card (21).

Along the Fool’s journey, he starts without having any knowledge or experience of life, just like a newborn baby. He encounters each subsequent Major card and learns a valuable lesson that he’ll take to the next one. These lessons are what shapes and creates the Fool’s identity, the people he meets, the decisions he makes, and the path that leads to his soul’s destiny.

The Fool's Journey is akin to the Hero's Journey. Both are the protagonists in their story, motivated by a goal to enhance life experience. Along their journey, they encounter conflicts and challenges, with difficult choices and decisions that determine the outcome. They face risks and rewards, danger and crisis points that lead to a climax. After many incidents, they find a resolution, and are rescued from their struggles. They return to the start of a new chapter, a new cycle, refreshed and transformed by their experience.

The mind has a natural ability to remember stories, especially if they hold an emotional meaning. A effective method of memorising the Fool’s journey is to create your own story using personal memories. With each card, draw on past experiences and fill your mind with those memories so when the card shows up, you’ll be able to remember it more clearly. For example, The Empress, representing the mother, may draw memories of our mother or those who fit the Mother archetype. Or The Strength card may remind us of a time in our life where we faced a challenge and needed to muster courage and resilience.

Remember, you are building your own personal relationship with the Tarot, and everyone's interpretation will vary to some degree.

Each time you work with the cards, you are subconsciously downloading new information all the time. Remember, it’s not about getting it right when working with the Tarot. It’s about strengthening your intuitive responses and exploring your imagination.

Enjoy the process!

man holds stick with bag and a dog
The Fool

The Fool embarks on a personal quest in search of knowledge and wisdom. Innocent and naïve, he proceeds carefree and fearless into the unknown. Full of child-like curiosity and wonder, he acts with spontaneity, seeking adventure and new experiences. As he hasn’t experienced life yet, he has no expectations and is unaware of any dangers along the path. The Fool is oblivious and blind to the truth, yet he will complete his journey through the many lessons represented by the Major Arcana.

magician holding a wand
The Magician

The Fool encounters The Magician. Masculine in energy, this mysterious character puts a hypnotic spell on the Fool, impressing him with his talents and skills. He is the master of illusion, concealing his secrets of creative magic, leaving the Fool mystified and curious for more. He then reveals aspects of all four elements, Fire ~ Intuition, Air ~ Intellect, Water ~ Emotion, and Earth ~ Senses, and as he points his magic wand to the sky, he shows the Fool that he can create anything he wants in life if he stays focused and believes he has magical powers within.

Priestess holding scrolls
The High Priestess

The High Priestess sits in silence underneath the moonlight. This feminine Goddess is the guardian of sacred scrolls that contain valuable secrets. Now that The Fool is equipped with the tools from the Magician, the Fool asks, how can I use them? She whispers in his ear, ‘The secrets I hold are always available to you, but you’ll only be able to access them through the silence. Your instincts will guide you, and you must always trust your intuition.’ Captivated by her mystical presence, the Fool has acquired valuable knowledge, but will he remember it along his journey?

empress sits on lounge
The Empress

The Empress welcomes the Fool into her home, offering him comfort and motherly attention. Surrounded by a lush garden abundant with flowers, fruits and vegetables, the Fool was in the arms of Mother Earth, where everything is carefully nurtured to fruition. The Empress had a warm glow, suggesting she may be pregnant. She explains to the Fool, when you plant a seed, you must tend to it daily for it to grow into something special. Have patience. From tiny acorns, the mighty oak grows!

emperor sits on throne
The Emperor

The Fool approaches the Emperor with caution, for his presence is strong. He speaks sternly, giving orders to those around him. Highly disciplined, he aspires to reach the highest potential for all. Respected for his leadership, service, and strength of character, he firmly believes ‘Building foundations takes courage and patience.’ The Fool listened obediently, knowing he needed structure and stability along his journey. This wise Emperor ~ also a father ~ has great wisdom to offer. With great power comes great responsibility.

priest sits on throne
The Hierophant

The Fool enters the house of God, where a holy man shares his knowledge and wisdom with his commune. Here, the Fool learns about his community, different cultures and belief systems, and the value of guidance through teachers and mentors. The Hierophant prepares the Fool to integrate with society, follow the rules, and learn from respected values and traditions. He advises him that there will be many challenges to which we will seek answers. Knowing the right thing to do requires introspection and a deep yearning for spiritual enlightenment.

Angel looking down on two people
The lovers

Now filled with new knowledge and a sense of purpose, the Fool continues along his journey, determined to reach his goals. He reaches a crossroads where he sees a woman who fills his heart with new feelings of love. Though he had already made plans for his future, he was now faced with a choice, one that could lead him down an unfamiliar path. He knew that it made no logical sense to change direction, but there was a feeling deep in his heart, a temptation that urged him to take the risk. The Fool chose love.

man driving a chariot
The Chariot

The Charioteer charges in with forceful energy. He swoops the Fool onto his chariot and takes him on a wild ride. Pulled by two horses, one black and one white, they represent the dark and the light, and both must work together to reach their destination. The Charioteer shows bravery and determination, knocking down obstacles and conquering every challenge. His confidence inspires the Fool to take charge of his life, focus on his goals, and progress forward to reach victory!

woman with lion

The Fool was struggling after the challenges he faced with The Chariot. Feeling stuck on his journey and overwhelmed with negative emotions, he came to a halt. To his surprise, he saw a maiden holding open a ferocious lion's mouth. Fearful, the Fool shouts at the wild beast, but the maiden hushes his voice. ‘This lion is at peace and not to be feared. True strength comes from a gentle heart. That’s how you tame their primal nature’ she explained. Radiating love and compassion, the maiden teaches a valuable lesson about self-love and fortitude.

Old man with lamp
The Hermit

The Fool was feeling a deep void in his life that nothing could fill. Time passed as he wandered through the darkness, seeking light for guidance. Alone, secluded and detached from the outside world, the Fool retreated deeper into the darkness. Here, he meets the Hermit, a solitary wise old soul and experienced mentor. He doesn’t utter a word. Rather, he shines the light from his lamp into the darkness, illuminating every shadow and revealing the Fool’s true nature. The answers he seeks are laid out before him, paving the way forward with newfound wisdom.

Wheel with Anubis and sphinx
Wheel of Fortune

Now, the Fool has risen from the darkness with a clearer mind. He is focused on following his purpose and filling his mind with positive thoughts that align with his destiny. Suddenly, his luck starts to change. The Wheel of Fortune spins in his favour! The right people appear, and doors open with new opportunities. A new cycle begins, taking him in another direction. With divine timing, everything flowed effortlessly. The Fool wondered if fate brought him to this point, or was it merely a coincidence?

judge with sword and scales

The Fool skips along merrily, enjoying his run of good luck. Then, he encounters a powerful woman holding a set of golden scales before him. She represents justice and fairness and restoring balance. She asks the Fool to reflect on his life, his mistakes, and their impact on others. Deep in thought, he realised that he hadn’t always acted responsibly, which carried consequences. ‘Authenticity requires the truth!' She told him. ‘What you put out in the world is what you get back. Hold yourself accountable and learn from your mistakes. This will restore equilibrium.’

man hanging from tree
The Hanged Man

The Fool sits slumped against a tree, feeling frustrated that his life is not going in the right direction. He’s sacrificed so much of himself that he feels hopeless, lost and alone. Tired of his suffering, he climbs the tree and dangles upside down for a while. The Fool fully surrendered himself to the universe during this timeless suspension, letting go of his current reality to invite a new vision into his spiritual self. Having viewed the world differently, the Fool freed himself from internal suffering.

skelaton rides a white horse

Death rode in on a white horse, robed in a black hooded cloak. The Fool was shrouded with dread and fear, mainly of the unknown mysteries surrounding death. He knew that Death represented endings but didn’t want to lose anything, so he resisted. ‘The more you fight me, the more you suffer.’ Death cautioned. ‘If you allow the transition, you’ll experience a transformation moving you on to a fresh new cycle.' The Fool mourned over his losses, feeling a deep sadness. But from this experience, he gained wisdom in knowing that change is inevitable and that what follows is always a new beginning.

An angel pouring water

The Fool sits by a river, still grieving over his meeting with Death. To his surprise, an angel appeared by his side. Holding a chalice in each hand, she pours from one cup into the other, mixing and blending essential elements, patiently creating the perfect balance. ‘To find peace, you must restore equilibrium in your life. It takes a careful moderation of opposites to create a new form,’ she tells him. The Fool realised that he needed to adjust his life for his health. With time, Temperance gently places him back into a balanced flow.

devil with two naked people
The Devil

The Fool continued along his journey, but he felt his life needed new thrills and excitement. There was an urge deep within that was leading him into temptation. As his desires grew stronger, the Devil appeared, blocking his path. Knowing the Fool’s vulnerability, this beastly creature lured him deeper into the material world, enticing him to succumb to his primal urges. Initially, the Fool felt great satisfaction from his indulgence into the realm of the taboo, but he didn’t moderate his behaviour and soon became attached. His addictions had caught him in an illusory trap, bounding the Fool to a cycle of dysfunctional patterns. He knew he had to regain control over his primitive nature and use it wisely to keep a healthy balance.

people falling from tower
The Tower

A mighty Tower stands before the Fool. With its elaborate structure, it appeared strong and sturdy. He was familiar with this building, having entered it many times before. A lightning bolt struck the Tower with great force as he approached the entrance. He leapt out of the way, deep in shock over what he witnessed. The once-solid structure crumbled to the ground, causing panic all around. The Fool had never experienced such sudden devastation. It left him in disbelief, questioning what just happened and why? On further inspection, he realised that the foundations were unstable, and its downfall was inevitable. In time, the Tower can be rebuilt, this time based on solid foundations.

woman pouring water
The Star

The night sky was blanketed with glistening stars shining brightly through the darkness. The Fool, still suffering from the emotional blow of the tumbling Tower, said a prayer as he locked his gaze on the brightest star, hoping and wishing for better days. The journey ahead became uncertain for the Fool. Bewildered and fearful, he needed guidance from a higher source. From the corner of his eye, a flash of light drew his attention to a maiden kneeling by a pool of water. Her calming essence showered him peacefully, and her smile lifted his spirits. ‘The star you gaze upon is healing your grief and guiding you with universal love. Allow things to flow and have faith in your journey.’ She said as she faded away. With fresh optimism, the Fool continued his journey, following his guiding star.

Dog and wolf howling at moon
The Moon

The Full Moon illuminates the path ahead, bringing shadows into the light. Strange noises echo through the darkness, the atmosphere is eerie, and the Fool is suddenly confused. What lies deep within his psyche is now brought to the surface. He withdrawals from the path, fearing its illusory nature, and tries to sleep it off. Vivid dreams become nightmares that make him anxious, unaware of his reality. The veil has been removed, and the Fool faces broken fragments of his past, along with myths, mysteries and psychic impressions. His imagination comes to life, and creative ideas float in and out. Where it was coming from the Fool did not know. How he expresses this dreamy state has limitless potential, but he must wade through the waters of his darkest night to transform his deepest fears by embracing the pure curiosity of his soul.

The sun with a child on a horse
The Sun

The Fool wakes from his long, dark night in the shadows. The morning sun flashes vibrant light, transforming the eerie atmosphere into peace and serenity. Scanning his surroundings, he realises he’s sat in a beautiful flowering garden. He hears a child's laughter amongst the birds chirping and looks over to see a little boy riding a white horse. With great excitement, the child waved at the Fool and beckoned him over to play with him. His worries melted away, allowing newfound enthusiasm, joy and happiness. The Fool had returned to his childhood innocence, free and happy to be alive. He realised that this feeling was his inner child returning to express himself. The Fool found his spark again with a beaming smile and realised it was within him all along.

An angel blowing a horn

So far, it’s been a long journey for the Fool, and he’s had many experiences along the way. More than ever, he is keen to reach the end of his journey, which he knows is close to completion. As he continues, he looks above and sees an angel appear through the clouds, playing the trumpet, calling the Fool to pay close attention. ‘Are you ready to be re-born?’ she asks. ‘Of course, I am!’ replied the Fool, feeling confident with all his lessons learned. ‘To complete the process, you must release all that no longer serves you. All your guilt, shame and negative thinking must go. Forgiveness for yourself and those who’ve wronged you will set you free and transform you into whom you’re meant to be. Take only the wisdom you’ve gained, and step forward into your purpose.’ The Fool listened intently, nodding in agreement, knowing that facing Judgement was the only way for him to reach wholeness.

woman dancing in wreath
The World

The Fool stands tall with his arms outstretched to the sky. With eyes shut, he calls to the universe, surrendering to its powerful energy. He felt a significant shift deep within, and as he opened his eyes, he saw a maiden dancing amongst the stars. ‘Come dance with me and celebrate your success.’ She said to him. Her aura was glowing like the brightest star, and he knew he’d reached enlightenment. For the first time, he felt whole and complete. He rejoiced in all of his accomplishments, the highs and the lows, and the entire experience of his life’s journey. As he danced blissfully with the unlimited potential of universal love, he realised he was floating free, with infinite possibilities. But this was not the end of his journey, as the World will always keep turning; instead, it was the end of a cycle with a new beginning awaiting him, back where he started from at zero.

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