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Writer's pictureSian Hoskins

Nurturing Yourself: The Power of Self-Care with The Empress

Updated: Aug 24

An empress sitting on a throne

The Importance of Self-Care, Self-Love, and Self-Nurturing for Better Mental, Emotional, and Physical Health

In our fast-paced, achievement-driven society, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care, self-love, and self-nurturing. We often find ourselves caught up in the demands of daily life, forgetting to take the time to care for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. However, neglecting these vital aspects of ourselves can lead to burnout, negative thinking, and a disconnection from the very things that bring us joy and fulfilment, such as love, intimacy, and a sense of purpose. This is where the lessons of The Empress Tarot card become incredibly relevant.

The Empress Tarot Card: A Symbol of Self-Care and Nurturing

The Empress Tarot card is a powerful symbol of nurturing, abundance, and unconditional love. Associated with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, The Empress embodies the essence of self-love and care. She represents the divine feminine and is often depicted as a motherly figure, symbolising the nurturing energy that is essential for growth and well-being. Just as a mother cares for her child, The Empress encourages us to care for ourselves with the same tenderness and compassion.

The Empress is also deeply connected to Mother Earth, symbolising the importance of grounding ourselves in the natural world. Her association with the earth reminds us that we are part of a larger, interconnected system and that our well-being is tied to our connection with nature. When we nurture ourselves, we are, in essence, nurturing the earth within us—our physical bodies, our emotional health, and our spiritual energy.

The Healing Power of Nature and Water

Woman walking along beach

One of the most profound ways to practice self-care is by connecting with nature. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or simply spending time in your garden, being in nature has a grounding effect that can help restore balance to our lives. The Empress, as a symbol of fertility and abundance, reminds us that nature is a source of endless energy and healing. When we spend time in nature, we tap into this energy, allowing it to rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and spirits.

Water, in particular, is a powerful healing element. Swimming, walking on the beach, or meditating near water can have a calming and restorative effect on our mental and emotional health. Water is a symbol of the subconscious mind, emotions, and intuition. When we immerse ourselves in water or spend time near it, we allow our emotions to flow freely, washing away stress and tension. The sound of waves, the feel of water on our skin, and the sight of a flowing river can all serve as reminders to let go of the burdens we carry and embrace the natural rhythms of life.

The Importance of Grounding

woman in a meadow

Grounding ourselves is another crucial aspect of self-care. Grounding means connecting with the earth's energies to balance and stabilise our own energy. It can be as simple as walking barefoot on the grass, sitting under a tree, or gardening. When we ground ourselves, we reconnect with the earth's natural frequency, which can help us feel more centred, present, and calm.

The Empress, as a representation of Mother Earth, reminds us that grounding is essential for maintaining our physical, emotional, and mental health. When we are grounded, we are better able to handle stress, make clear decisions, and stay connected to our inner wisdom. Without grounding, we may feel scattered, anxious, and disconnected from ourselves and the world around us.

The Consequences of Neglecting Self-Care

Woman with head in her hands

When we neglect self-care, we start to disconnect from the very things that sustain us—love, intimacy, and our connection to nature. Over time, this can lead to burnout, negative thinking, and a sense of emptiness. We may find ourselves feeling emotionally drained, physically exhausted, and mentally overwhelmed. Our relationships may suffer, and we may lose touch with our passions and purpose in life.

Without self-care, we risk losing our connection to the loving and nurturing energies symbolised by The Empress. We become like a barren land, unable to produce the fruits of joy, creativity, and fulfilment. Instead of thriving, we merely survive, moving through life on autopilot, disconnected from our true selves.

Reconnecting with Ourselves Through Self-Care

woman with arms in the air

The good news is that it's never too late to reconnect with ourselves through self-care, self-love, and self-nurturing. By taking the time to care for ourselves, we can replenish our energy, heal our bodies and minds, and restore our sense of balance and well-being.

Start by incorporating small acts of self-care into your daily routine. This could be as simple as taking a few minutes each day to meditate, practising deep breathing, or enjoying a warm bath. Spend time in nature, whether it's a walk in the park, a hike, or just sitting quietly under a tree. Make time for activities that bring you joy and allow yourself to rest and recharge.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury—it's a necessity. The Empress Tarot card reminds us that we deserve to be nurtured, loved, and cared for, just as we nurture, love, and care for others. By embracing the energies of The Empress and reconnecting with nature and ourselves we can create a life that is rich in love, joy, and abundance.

In conclusion, self-care is the foundation of good mental, emotional, and physical health. It allows us to stay grounded, connected, and in tune with our inner wisdom. So, take a moment to honour yourself, nurture your spirit, and reconnect with the healing energies of the earth. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you.

The Empress Rituals

Engaging in rituals that embody the energy of The Empress Tarot card can help you connect with your inner nurturing, creativity, and abundance. These rituals are designed to cultivate self-love, deepen your connection to nature, and invite more fertility (in all forms) into your life. Here are a few Empress-inspired rituals:

Mirror with candles and stones

1. Self-Love and Nurturing Ritual

This ritual focuses on embodying the self-care and nurturing aspects of The Empress.

What You'll Need:

  • A comfortable space where you won't be disturbed

  • A small mirror

  • Rose quartz (for self-love)

  • A journal and pen

  • A candle (pink or green, representing love and abundance)

  • Essential oils (rose, lavender, or jasmine)


  1. Create a Sacred Space: Begin by setting up a comfortable, quiet space. Light your candle and place the rose quartz nearby. Anoint yourself with essential oils, focusing on your heart and wrists.

  2. Mirror Work: Sit with the mirror in front of you. Look into your own eyes and repeat affirmations such as, "I am worthy of love," "I nurture myself with kindness," and "I am abundant and creative."

  3. Journal Reflection: After your affirmations, write in your journal about what self-love means to you. What are some ways you can nurture yourself more? How can you embody The Empress's energy in your daily life?

  4. Close the Ritual: When you're ready, close the ritual by thanking The Empress for her guidance. Blow out the candle, feeling the warmth of self-love within you.

bare feet in grass

2. Nature Connection and Grounding Ritual

This ritual aligns you with the grounding energy of The Empress and Mother Earth.

What You'll Need:

  • A natural space (garden, park, forest)

  • A small blanket or mat

  • A piece of fruit or food offering (something organic)

  • A crystal (green aventurine or moss agate)

  • Bare feet


  1. Find Your Space: Go to a natural area where you can be undisturbed. Lay out your blanket or mat and sit comfortably with your bare feet on the ground.

  2. Grounding Meditation: Close your eyes and take deep breaths. Visualise roots growing from your feet into the earth, connecting you deeply with the energy of Mother Earth. Feel her strength and nurturing energy rising up through these roots, grounding you.

  3. Offerings to the Earth: Place the fruit or food offering on the ground as a symbol of gratitude to Mother Earth. Hold the crystal in your hands and set an intention for abundance, growth, or grounding.

  4. Connect with Nature: Spend some time in silence, listening to the sounds of nature around you. Feel the energy of the earth beneath you and allow yourself to be fully present in this moment.

  5. Close the Ritual: When you're ready, thank the earth and The Empress for their support. Take a moment to savour the connection you’ve cultivated before packing up and leaving your offering behind.

journal pen and gold candle

Abundance and Creativity Ritual

This ritual invokes The Empress’s energy of fertility and abundance, helping you manifest your desires.

What You'll Need:

  • A green or gold candle (for abundance)

  • A bowl of water

  • Fresh flowers or a potted plant

  • Seeds (any kind, symbolising growth)

  • Paper and pen


  1. Prepare Your Space: Light the green or gold candle in a space where you can work without interruptions. Place the bowl of water nearby, along with the flowers or plant.

  2. Set Your Intentions: Write down your intentions or desires related to abundance and creativity on a piece of paper. Think about what you want to grow in your life—this could be a creative project, a personal goal, or even a relationship.

  3. Planting Seeds of Intention: Take the seeds and hold them in your hands, infusing them with your intentions. Imagine these seeds as representations of your desires, ready to grow and flourish.

  4. Water and Nurture: Place the seeds into the earth (or into a pot if you're indoors) and water them with the water from the bowl. As you do this, visualise your intentions growing and coming to fruition, nurtured by The Empress's energy.

  5. Close the Ritual: Place the flowers or plant in a prominent place where you’ll see them daily as a reminder of your intentions. Thank The Empress for her blessings of abundance and creativity, and blow out the candle.

bath with rose petals

Moon Bathing and Rejuvenation Ritual

This ritual uses the energy of water and the moon, both of which are connected to The Empress, to rejuvenate and cleanse your spirit.

What You'll Need:

  • A bathtub or a safe outdoor space with a water source (beach, lake, etc.)

  • Epsom salts or sea salt.

  • Essential oils (rose, lavender, or sandalwood)

  • A few candles

  • A piece of moonstone or amethyst


  1. Set the Scene: If indoors, draw a warm bath and add Epsom salts, and essential oils, and light the candles. If outdoors, choose a place where you can safely immerse yourself in water under the moonlight.

  2. Moon Connection: If you’re indoors, visualise the moon's energy filling the water with cleansing light. If outdoors, let the actual moonlight bathe you as you relax in the water.

  3. Meditate and Release: Hold the moonstone or amethyst and close your eyes, meditating on what you wish to release—stress, negativity, or any burdens you carry. Imagine the water washing these away, leaving you renewed.

  4. Reaffirmation: As you soak, repeat affirmations such as, "I am refreshed and renewed," "I release what no longer serves me," and "I am connected to the loving energy of The Empress and the moon."

  5. Close the Ritual: After the bath, drain the water with gratitude, visualising any remaining negativity being released. Thank The Empress for her rejuvenating and healing presence.


These rituals are designed to help you tap into the nurturing and abundant energy of The Empress, encouraging you to practice self-care, ground yourself in nature, and connect with the healing elements of water and the earth. Through these practices, you can strengthen your connection to your inner self, cultivate abundance, and maintain balance and well-being in your life.

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