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Writer's pictureSian Hoskins

If You Feel Like You're Going Crazy, You May Be Going Through A Spiritual Awakening! Top 20 Signs

Updated: Apr 30

The world has seen spirituality explode over the internet via blogs, social media and YouTube. The awakening of the planet has forced many people to wake up and seek their own personal truth.

Worldwide suffering is prevalent in these times of uncertainty, and many are still asleep and have lived a lifetime disconnected from their true self.

There is a great shift occurring throughout the world, and people are changing their level of consciousness. We are stepping forward into a new higher vibration, transcending from a life of limitation to liberation and freedom from suffering.

The awakening process is unique and personal to each and every one of us. It can happen to anyone at any time. Traumatic life experiences, the use of psychedelic drugs or deep meditation and yoga can all be a catalyst for a transformative awakening.

Whether you intentionally choose to take this journey or an unexpected event thrusts you onto the path, there is no getting off once you join the ride!

The road to enlightenment is beautiful, mystical and euphoric. It is also confusing, painful and lonely. You are ripped out of your comfort zone and given some serious tough love from the universe. One thing for sure is that this remarkable soul journey will have such an extraordinary impact on you. It changes your life profoundly.

Awareness of universal energy is the foundation for ultimately engaging its flow and becoming co-creators with it.

~ James Redfield- The Celestine Prophecy

Your consciousness is expanding and, you notice your awareness shifting to higher levels. You start to feel the energy within. Transformation and change are redirecting you out of the matrix, where society has controlled and conditioned you, and onto a path of self-discovery.

You are reconnecting with your authenticity and remembering who you truly are. It is not surprising that you would be justified in thinking that you’re Going Crazy with such intense changes going on!

What you are experiencing is a gift and a blessing from the universe, waking you up to the illusions of your self and the illusions within society. As you spiritually evolve, your self-awareness grows, and you gradually break free from your old life and false self. Your thinking patterns start to change, and you gain a fresh new perspective on life.

You understand how the ego is your false self, and you gain new clarity on how your thoughts can affect your mood and outlook. The awakening forces you to examine the power of the mind so you can understand it more clearly. With new information, you are better equipped to work strategically towards bringing positive changes.

Your thoughts create your reality. Your mind is more powerful than you know.

~ Neale Donald Walsch- Conversations with God.

Each of us has a unique personal story, so comparing your life with others is of no use. Your life lessons will be different from the next person, so you learn to take only what resonates with your higher self.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. The 'school of life' teaches us that every person, event, situation and relationship has taught us a valuable lesson.

If you are reading this, then chances are you are already Awakening...

child on crutches in snow

1. Physical Changes To Your Health And Well-Being

Your energy changes to higher vibrations and, you start to feel a dense pressure around your head and tingling and crawling sensations over your scalp. Headaches may become more frequent. Energy can run through your whole body like bolts of electricity, causing inexplicable pain and nausea. Your heart may race, causing you more anxiety. This new energy may cause tingling or twitching, particularly over your face and hands. Pain can flare up in your back, neck and shoulders. You may have bouts of the flu or feel run down more than usual.

child holding cup with fish

2. All Your Senses Start To Become Heightened

Changes in vibration heighten your sensitivities. Your vision and hearing may be affected. Eyesight may become blurry, and colours start to look more vibrant. High pitch sounds seem to come from nowhere, and you may begin to notice auras (an energy field). Your energy frequency fluctuates, so you may become ultra-sensitive to lights and sounds or lose your quality of hearing (temporary). You may even get your vision or hearing tested, only to be told there is nothing medically wrong. Your sense of smell, taste and touch are also intensified.

man laying on coffin

3. You May Experience Dizzy Spells And Feel Spaced Out

This can occur more often when out in public, in crowds, and shopping centres etc. You will notice that when you get out in nature, a forest, a beach, a lake or anywhere secluded without lots of people, you start to feel energised. You notice the difference in how you feel when spending time alone or with other people.

Anxiety can increase significantly around other people and decrease once you find solitude. You may start to feel overwhelmed or fatigued more often, and you’ll notice how other people’s energy can either lift you or bring you down, making you more selective of whom you spend your time with. You may get diagnosed with social anxiety.

child on crutches in snow

4. You May Develop Food Intolerances

Your eating habits change, and you may become intolerant to foods such as wheat, gluten, dairy or meat. It is not uncommon to turn to vegetarian/vegan foods.

You start eating healthier foods that work well with your body, and you may begin to have unusual food cravings. Junk food, take-away food and processed foods can make you feel sick or unwell.

You may become intolerant to alcohol and have no choice but to cut it out completely.

devils sits behind naked man and woman

5. Changes In Your Sex Drive

You may notice either a drop or an increase in your sex drive. You may feel your passionate side is drawn to a more meaningful, spiritual connection. You start to see how sex has been exploited within society and manipulated to feed the ego, and used as a shaming tactic for control. Slowly, you begin to break free from negative thought patterns and false beliefs that sex is sinful, dirty and shameful, and you learn that sexual energy is part of your life force and its power is sacred and vital to your spiritual growth.

woman sits in bed with swords

6. Sleep Patterns Can Be Disrupted

Sleep can become extremely disrupted. You may suffer bouts of insomnia which can be debilitating. Dreams may become more vivid and significant. You may have a loved one in spirit visit you in a dream that feels vivid like it actually happened. You may wake during the night for no reason, sometimes at a specific time, which can become regular. You may also experience night sweats and hot flashes. Nightmares and anxiety can also increase, causing sleep disturbances. You may have an out of body experience or start having lucid dreams.

man walks with staff and lamp

7. You Search For Meaning And Purpose

You start to question everything and wonder what life is all about? You lose interest in the things that once brought you comfort or happiness, and you may find yourself being drawn to spiritual practices and the paranormal. You realise deep within; there must be more to life than this and yearn to find answers. You start doing your own research about the meaning of life and read books, blogs and YouTube videos on philosophy and spirituality to gain further insight. You are unconsciously downloading new knowledge all the time, and you learn that what you are searching for cannot be found in the matrix, so you dig deep into your soul to find answers.

woman bound to swords

8. You May Start To Suffer From Depression and Anxiety

You start to feel as though your life is boring and mundane. You lose interest in socialising with others and prefer to spend time alone, and you may begin to feel a loss of identity like you don't fit into this world anymore, and it becomes harder to wear a mask around others.

This is also referred to as The Dark Night of the Soul...

It is the eradication of everything you thought you were to become who you truly are. This process can be devastating and difficult to endure. The death of the ego leaves an emptiness inside, and you feel like you don't know who you are anymore. You may turn to alcohol, drugs or sex to numb the emotional pain. Your bad habits and negative patterns will surface along with old emotional wounds. These can be hard to face, and it can feel like you are losing your mind and going crazy. You may seek medical help and get diagnosed with depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, and it can leave you feeling lost and lonely. This can be a painful time, especially as you feel like no one understands you.

man sits by a tree

9. You Lose Interest In Material Things

We live in a world obsessed with material wealth, and once the veil is removed, you start to see through the illusions of society and realise that money doesn't buy happiness. You understand that what you are searching for is found within and not from wealth. You may decide to de-clutter yourself from material stuff you have accumulated over the years, and you feel a lot better for it!

child holding a sword

10. You Start To Question Your Beliefs, Ideals And Values

You question whether everything you have been taught is a lie and decide to do your own research to find the truth. You realise that you have taken on beliefs and values told to you by your parents, schools, television and the media. You learn that the truth has been manipulated, which has allowed you to be influenced, and you see how society has been brainwashed by advertising and the media. You start to think for yourself and break free from the crowd.

man rowing a boat with woman and child

11. You Will Tire of Shallow, Meaningless Conversations

You lose interest in small talk and gossip. Socialising becomes boring, and you feel disconnected from people. Friends and family may drop out of your life as you don’t think on their level anymore. The veil is removed, and you start to notice toxic behaviour, negative patterns, control drama's, greed and manipulation. As you are going through many personal changes, your relationship dynamics will change too. You yearn to find your tribe! People who are like-minded and on the same wavelength as you.

an angel blows a horn over people

12. You Start To Lose Interest In Your Job

You yearn to do something more fulfilling and meaningful. You realise you need to make significant changes to create a lifestyle that will bring peace, love and harmony. You may even quit your job, sell your house and leave it all behind to pursue a different life entirely. You may want to be of service to others by working in a spiritually-based profession.

hand holding a cup

13. An Increase In Empathy And Compassion

You start to feel an increase in empathy and compassion for others and see the suffering in the world. This drives you to want to help others and bring about change. You feel more connected to nature and animals and get energised simply by spending time alone in natural surroundings. Feeling bursts of joy one minute, then crying tears of sadness the next, you start to notice you're becoming more sensitive.

man walking with staff

14. You Want To Discover Your True Authentic Self

You are drawn to learning more about who you truly are. Integrity and authenticity become more important to you as you start to release your old self. You begin to understand that you are not your thoughts and that your ego has held you back from being authentic. As fear rises from within, you start to question it? You question everything, breaking it down piece by piece, removing anything that is not authentic. You begin to feel the connection with your higher self and become aware of your ego taking over. You may discover that you're an empath, highly sensitive person or psychic. You start to make sense of who you were and whom you are becoming.

Judge sits on throne with sword and scales

15. You Want To Make Changes In The World

You find it hard to ignore the suffering in the world and feel urged to do something about it. Protecting the planet, animal welfare and human rights will become more important to you. Injustice is challenging to ignore, and you start to see the bigger picture. You notice other people’s judgments and ignorance of important matters and strongly want to defend what is right. You want to spread the word and may choose to be of service to others to bring changes in the world.

priestess sits on throne with scrolls

16. You Notice An Increase In Intuition

You start to trust your gut instincts and listen to your heart rather than your head, and you notice that intuition has become your internal guide. You may start to get goosebumps to confirm that spirit is around you, and you may also experience Deja vu or memories from a past life. You may encounter mystical and mysterious happenings and paranormal occurrences. Hidden gifts and talents may surface, and you will be drawn to your passions and purpose.

a naked woman pours water

17. Signs And Synchronicities Are Revealed Everywhere

Coincidences will increase rapidly around you. Everything appears random, yet it carries a strong meaning for you. You realise that you are on a journey led by a far greater force, and you start to trust the path ahead and go with the flow of the universe.

You may start to notice animals more often. Spirit animals can also reveal themselves to us. Seeing the same animal repeatedly is usually trying to send you a message. Repeating numbers like 11:11 are also common. Subtle messages are everywhere. You may overhear a meaningful conversation or a song on the radio that is significant like it's meant for you personally. A storyline in a film can mirror your life too. Answers come from out of the blue, and you instinctively know that you are in the flow of the universe. You also become aware of when you get derailed and lost on the path.

children holding flowers

18. You Start To Question Your Whole Life

Your relationships, career choice, and whole life path will come into question. You realise how much others have influenced you and had control over you. Old memories come to the surface, of which you must take note as they are generally significant to your personal growth. You have a thirst for freedom and want to break free from rules and control. You may have a strong desire to move away from your old life to pursue the life you’ve always dreamed of. Once you are on a spiritual path, there is no turning back! Your life will never be the same again. All you can do is surrender to it and enjoy the ride.

a man walks next to a white dog

19. You Seek Thrills And Adventure

You want to travel the world and experience different cultures and yearn to explore the world's diversity and soak up new knowledge. You start to see the world from a broader perspective and become more open to exploring new experiences, new tastes, sights and sounds. Ambitions and activities that once seemed unattainable now become possible. Say you always wanted to learn a musical instrument, or become an artist, or you dreamed of skydiving, mountain climbing or surfing, or maybe you always wanted to visit a particular city or country. You realise that these things are possible! There is a shift in your attitude and, you are eager to dive in.

The world is your oyster!

a woman dances in a wreath

20. You Realise That We Are All 'One.'

You start to see how everything is connected through universal energy. Every living creature, the earth, the universe, is all one energy. You see how disconnected people are from their true selves and the world around them. You understand that your thoughts and beliefs impact your reality, and you start to love unconditionally and learn to live in the present moment. You stop worrying about the future and find peace in knowing that your past is part of your story. When you surrender to the process and let go of fear and expectation, and trust that you are being guided on your journey, you will begin to feel peace within.

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