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Writer's pictureSian Hoskins

8 Signs You’re Dealing with The Devil! Narcissist~ Sociopath~ Psychopath

Updated: Apr 30

Healing from Trauma and Abuse…

devil with tow naked people

Let’s be honest, if The Devil approached you with his sprouting horns and scraggy clawed feet, growling and glaring at you intensely with those malevolent black eyes, would you really want to hang out with him?

When we look at the image of The Devil, we know exactly what we’re dealing with. Most of us would run, frantically screaming down the street like something fresh out of a Stephen King novel! But the real identity of The Devil can be well disguised and hidden in plain sight. The Devil is camouflaged, often as charming and charismatic, like a chameleon shifting from one form to another to suit his environment.

The only thing appealing about this creature is the promises he makes to entice you into his playground. Once his plan of manipulation has worked, he chains you to him to inflict his power over you, and eventually, he will seep into your soul and destroy every part of you, over and over…

This character has been around for as long as humans have existed. Most of us have experienced The Devil in some form, but how many of us know exactly what we’re dealing with?

They rarely present themselves as psychopathic serial killers wielding chainsaws, hunting out innocent victims to fulfil insatiable needs, not publicly anyway. While you may face a monster, most others will see a mask that makes them appear virtuous. Describing them to others is too challenging (unless you’re a psychologist!), so we resort to the only language we know how…

floating speech bubbles

The only way of knowing if you’re dealing with The Devil is to look meticulously at repeated behaviour patterns and signs of narcissistic traits. Watch how they treat you compared to others, and most importantly, watch what’s going on within yourself. How do they make you feel? Can you be your true self when you’re around them?

The Devil may appear in your family as an overbearing mother or an arrogant father. He could be that bossy manager who creates chaos within a team over a simple task at work. Socially, she could be that awful friend of a friend who’s tagged along on a night out and predictably ruined it, or at home, you could be sleeping next to them, bound to the relationship from hell!

The Devil can be anyone, from anywhere, and the only thing that links these parasites are a set of toxic traits and dysfunctional behaviours.

If you feel stuck in a cycle of drama and chaos and chained to a person who is stripping away your identity, chances are you’re caught up in the psychological mindf*ck of a narcissist!

Here Are 8 Signs You’re Dealing With The Devil…

man holding swords

They Lack Empathy

Narcissists have as much depth as a pavement puddle, yet they seek out people with hearts the size of an ocean who will pour infinite love into their never-ending cup of gratification. They bully, tease and criticise without having an ounce of compassion or remorse for your suffering. Your pain is fuel for their ego. It empowers them and fills them with confidence that you belong to them. The only love they have is for themselves.

Watching you suffer and fall to pieces is no problem for The Devil (narcissist), for he is devoid of empathy. He knows that you’re hurting. He just doesn’t care…

man riding white horse

Grandiose Sense of Self

Narcissist’s make an entrance with a strut in their stride, and their head held high. They ooze superiority and like to ‘big’ themselves up and put other’s down, comparing in a way that will always show them in a better light.

The Devil (narcissist) doesn’t seek approval. He seeks admiration…

floating speech bubbles

They’re flashy with their money and love to show off. They’ll exaggerate and lie about talents or achievements and thrive off any attention that inflates their ego and enhances their delusional sense of self-worth.

The Devil (narcissist) lives in a world of illusion. All built up to boost his ego...

Whether they’re bragging about sexual conquests, picture-perfect relationships, work merits, material possessions, or anything that places them Number 1, they will always carry an overwhelming sense of self-importance. Deep down, they’re envious of anyone they view as competition.

magician holding a wand


The Devil knows what he wants, and he’ll stoop to any length to get it! He is a master of manipulation, playing you like a fiddle while he dances to his own tune. The Devil’s intention is to mould you into the perfect fit by taking advantage of your compassionate heart.

Narcissists will tell you what you want to hear, but there’s always an ulterior motive behind it that they’ll do anything to conceal. They know all your heavenly qualities and intentionally play cruel mind games (gaslighting) to make you doubt your own judgement.

It’s excitement for them treating you with such malice, and if you dare confront them on their behaviour, they will orchestrate the whole story, from start to finish, playing the victim with such a polished performance, it leaves you looking like the unstable one causing all the drama.

emperor sitting on a throne

Controlling and Demanding

Narcissists come with a strong sense of entitlement. It’s my way or the highway, and you best choose wisely as there will be consequences. Any attempt to place boundaries or stand your ground could result in an explosive outburst of rage to assert their power over you, or you could be painfully ignored with the silent treatment until you fall in line.

The Devil says Do as I say, not as I do!

Narcissist’s drain your very soul from all liberation by demanding rigid rules and ridiculous expectations. There’s one rule for them and a million different rules for you, from what you wear to how you think or act. Satisfying their own need for dominance, in many oppressive ways, gives them the illusion of power. The more powerful they feel, the more in control they feel, which keeps them high up on their illusory pedestal.

woman holding two swords

Deny Accountability and Blame Other’s

No matter the accusation, narcissists' never take responsibility for their actions, and it will always be someone else’s fault. To admit accountability would be like owning up to their flawed self, and they won’t risk anything that makes them look bad.

When the shit hits the fan, they have already fabricated a story that’ll get them off the hook and shifts the blame onto someone else. As they have little empathy towards your feelings, this behaviour comes easy to them. Owning up to their true self would only destroy the illusion they’ve worked hard to create.

They live in constant denial of any wrongdoings and berate others for doing nothing wrong. You will spend eternity trying to get the truth out of The Devil, and in your effort, you will be branded with crimes you never commit.

man with swords in his back

Assassinates The Character of Anyone Who Challenges Them

Beware of the everlasting grudge! The Devil doesn’t accept criticism of any kind, even in the slightest form. He sees it as a challenge to his false image and he mustn’t allow any of his fans and followers to discover his true character. Therefore, anyone who sees through the bullshit is a potential threat.

Narcissists often display resentment, especially if their ego has been bruised or if their behaviour has been exposed. Rage festers deep within their psyche, sparking them off on a vile mission to destroy a person’s reputation by spreading lies and distorted truths sometimes told with faux concern to manipulate and convince the third party.

The Devil’s plan is to keep you in your place beneath him, where you belong…

They are relentless with their malicious smear campaign to ultimately crush a person to the point of an emotional breakdown. That’s when they point the finger and cry, ‘See... I told you they were crazy!’ thus bringing the whole evil plan to a successful conclusion.

man running away with swords

Pathological Liars

If only a liar’s pants really did catch on fire, it would save us so much time with all the psychological admin! Narcissists are well known for telling barefaced lies, from arguing the toss over who left the light on to full-blown doozies concealing a whole separate life.

As The Devil lives in a world of illusion, nothing can be trusted. To maintain their flawless image and keep control of the world around them, they create fake personas for their performance. You will not find a jot of integrity with this character as their whole life is based on lies… upon lies… and some more lies sprinkled on top! Some are sugary sweet, and some are bitterly sour, but all of them are told to throw you off the scent, so they can continue living the façade.

devil with two naked people

Unhealthy Attachments and Obsessions

The Devil is fueled, either for pleasure or rage, by all things considered taboo or sinful. While there is nothing wrong with having sexy time between consenting adults, The Devil, however, lives in a fantasy world of lust, desire and obsession. Whatever ‘fun’ goes on between the sheets will have consequences of attachment and dominance.

Predators like this lure you into temptation like Gods and Goddesses flaunting their sexual wares and infatuation towards you (mainly for themselves!), and once they’ve got you hooked, they spin an act of love into one of fear and shame you for the very act they enticed you into. Sex then becomes a weapon they use for power and control.

They lie and cheat, guilt-free, but fly into fits of jealous rage and hurl accusations at you for the same sinful deed. In the extreme, The Devil intimidates his prey with bullying tactics and threats of violent outbursts.

All things sinful are played out in The Devil’s playground, and when played with long enough, they become addictive. Addiction and unhealthy behaviour patterns around sex, pornography, alcohol, drugs, and money are often issues. However, narcissists are unlikely to ever admit to a problem if confronted.

Narcissists are arrogant and abusive by nature and like to punish and shame people into submission. One thing’s for sure, if you’re in The Devil’s playground, you’re most certainly being played, and when the flame burns into a raging fire, you’re bound to get burnt.

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