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Nine of Wands



The Nine of Wands Tarot card represents resilience, perseverance, and the final stretch of a difficult journey. When this card appears in a reading, it indicates that you are nearing the end of a challenging phase, but it may also signify that you are feeling exhausted, both physically and mentally. It’s a reminder that while the road has been long and fraught with obstacles, you possess the inner strength and determination to see things through to the finish line. The Nine of Wands encourages you to muster up your last reserves of courage and energy, even when you feel like giving up.


In the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the Nine of Wands depicts a weary figure, leaning on a staff, with eight more wands standing behind him like a barrier. The man appears battered and bruised, with a bandage around his head, symbolising the physical and emotional wounds he has endured throughout his struggles. His expression is one of cautious vigilance, as if he is expecting more challenges ahead. Despite the hardships he has faced, he is still standing, ready to defend himself if necessary.


The wands behind the figure represent the battles he has already fought and the challenges he has overcome. They form a protective barrier, suggesting that while he is prepared for more difficulties, he has learned from his past experiences and is now more resilient and stronger for it. The card’s imagery embodies a sense of endurance, determination, and survival. Even though the journey has been tough, the figure’s stance shows that he is not giving up.


The Nine of Wands signals that you are in the final stages of a difficult situation, and although you may feel drained, you are closer to achieving your goals than you realise. This card is about holding on and pushing through, even when doubt and fatigue set in. It’s a test of your resilience and willpower, asking you to find the strength to keep going despite the obstacles that still stand in your way.


You may feel as though you’ve reached your limit, emotionally or physically, and that you cannot take any more. This card acknowledges those feelings but also reminds you that you are stronger than you think. You’ve already come this far through sheer determination, and while the finish line may not be immediately visible, it is within reach. The Nine of Wands encourages you to tap into your inner reserves of strength and to stay vigilant as you approach the end of your journey.


The Nine of Wands often appears when you are feeling wounded—not just physically, but mentally and emotionally. Life’s challenges may have left you feeling bruised, guarded, and uncertain. You might be questioning whether it’s worth continuing, as insecurity and doubt start to creep in. However, this card is a message that you are so close to success, and now is not the time to give up. It encourages you to remain steadfast and trust that your perseverance will pay off.


This card also carries a warning about being overly defensive. While it is important to protect yourself, there is a fine line between vigilance and shutting yourself off from opportunities. The Nine of Wands urges you to remain open, even while being cautious, and to avoid allowing fear or past disappointments to paralyse you.


Given the intensity of the Nine of Wands, it’s crucial to prioritise self-care during this time. You’ve been through a lot, and the stress of your journey may be taking a toll on your mind and body. This card reminds you to rest and recharge, even if only for a short period. Managing your stress is essential to staying mentally clear and physically strong. Take a step back, do something that brings you peace, and recognise how far you’ve come. Be kind to yourself, and don’t forget to celebrate the progress you’ve made, even if the journey isn’t over yet.


When this card appears, it's important to remind yourself that every obstacle faced has contributed to your growth. Your persistence is building your strength of character, and when you finally reach your goal, you will look back and be proud of the battles you’ve overcome.


The Nine of Wands is a card of resilience, perseverance, and inner strength. It acknowledges the challenges you’ve faced and the battles you’ve fought, but it also reassures you that you are close to the end of your struggle. This card urges you to find the last reserves of strength within you, to remain vigilant, and to keep pushing forward. Though you may feel weary and defeated, the Nine of Wands reminds you that victory is near, and your perseverance will be rewarded. When reversed, it advises caution against burning out, excessive defensiveness, or giving up too soon—encouraging you to find balance in how you handle life’s challenges.





When the Nine of Wands is reversed, it can indicate that you are feeling completely burnt out. You may have already reached the point where you’ve thrown in the towel and walked away from a situation that was causing you too much stress. In some cases, this may be the wisest decision, as continuing to fight when you are utterly depleted can do more harm than good. The reversed Nine of Wands invites you to use your intuition wisely and recognise when it’s time to step back for the sake of your mental and emotional well-being.


The reversed card may also point to feelings of guilt or anxiety, particularly if you’ve made mistakes or done something you regret. This anxious energy can cause you to become overly defensive, leading to misunderstandings or further conflict. It’s important to confront any feelings of guilt head-on and to take responsibility for your actions if necessary. Use the surrounding cards in the reading to gain clarity on whether you need to persevere or if it’s time to let go.


Additionally, the reversed Nine of Wands warns against paranoia or feeling overly threatened by external forces. While it’s natural to be cautious after a period of struggle, becoming too defensive can create unnecessary tension and prevent you from moving forward. Trust yourself to know when it’s time to let down your guard and open up to new possibilities.



Reversed meanings…


Issues: It could mean there is an issue with the card’s upright message.


Opposite: The meaning may be the opposite of the upright message.


Blocked: The energy may be blocked and requires action to turn it around.


Weakened: The energy may be weaker than the upright meaning.


Warning: It may be a warning to avoid the current path or face possible difficulties or even danger.


Denial: It could suggest someone is in denial about the meaning of the card.


Delay: The energy may be delayed and will manifest eventually.


Decay: The upright meaning is diminishing and cannot be relied on.


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