Welcome to Crystal Clear Tarot
Elements & Tarot Suits
Fire – Wands ~ I want
The essence of the element of Fire is action and motion. One spark can create a wave of movement that can be inspirational, creative, passionate and visionary.
Fire brings swift energy that creates excitement, optimism, and a strong desire to reach our goals and aspirations. It can also be volatile and unpredictable.
Fire is a powerful force that can change direction on impulse. If you fan the flames too intensely, you will most certainly feel its heat. Dull routines and boredom can extinguish Fire’s power, so balance is key here.
Astrological Signs ~ Aries-Leo-Sagittarius
Keywords ~ Will, power, energy, desire, ambition, action, intuition, impulsive.
Earth – Pentacles ~ I have
The element of Earth represents the material world. Here is where you can manifest the fruits of your labour into tangible reality.
Earth represents the five senses so, anything that can be seen, felt, tasted, heard or smelt is linked with the element of Earth.
Earth is steady, practical and reliable. It builds strong foundations when planning for projects and indicates longevity with hard work and commitment to a task.
Astrological Signs ~ Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn
Keywords ~ Possessions, tangible, sensual, reality, substance, grounded, nature, fruitful.
Air – Swords ~ I think
The element of Air represents the thinking mind, mental processes and communications of all kinds. At its best, Air cuts through illusions and brings clarity and truth to a situation. At its worst, Air can cut deep and leave painful wounds.
Air can manifest in the form of a welcomed gentle breeze or a violent hurricane that can be destructive and devastating.
Air represents ideas, analytical thinking, and intellect. This element requires mastery of the mind for it to reach its full potential.
Astrological Signs ~ Gemini-Libra-Aquarius
Keywords ~ Truth, Intellect, thoughts, ideas, logical, rational, speech, communication, illusion.
Water – Cups ~ I feel
The element of Water represents the emotional body. Our feelings are not fixed, rather they flow through us and are ever-changing, depending on our circumstances.
Water symbolizes how we feel in our relationships, with ourselves and with others. Water connects us to our feelings and our imagination, which intuitively guides us, as we navigate our way through the oceans of our emotions. Water heals and nurtures, and washes away impurity while restoring emotional balance.
Astrological Signs ~ Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces
Keywords ~ Feelings, emotions, relationships, family, love, connection, healing, nurturing.
Carl Jung suggested the concept of having four personality functions, Intuition, Sensation, Thinking and Feeling. One will play a dominant role and the other four will require further development in order to become ‘whole’. He claimed, “For complete orientation, all four functions should contribute equally.”
These functions can be associated with the four elements, the tarot suits and corresponding astrological signs.